CAA Code of Practice
As a supporter of the Children's Activities Association, your organisation is required to meet and continue to meet the Children's Activities Association Supporter Code of Practice. It is important that you have read and fully understood all sections of this document. For access to supplementary resources and support, please consult the list of links available in the Appendix section at the end of this document.
This Code of Practice outlines in brief all the essential elements the Children's Activities Association deems necessary to provide high standards of children’s activities. Following these guidelines is essential for any organisation that wants to be acknowledged as a Supporter of the Children's Activities Association.
*‘You’ and ‘your’ are used as collective terms to mean all persons that represent your organisation including employees, franchisees, licensees and other authorised 3rd parties.
Section 1 - Duty of Care
1.1 Safeguarding and Child Protection
It is important to have procedures and arrangements in place to ensure that the safety of both the children and parents/carers attending an activity are maintained. Within an activity environment parents/carers want reassurance that the team who are actively involved with the children have no previous convictions, barred from working with children or criminal history which could endanger their child or put them at risk. You must ensure that you: :
plan and conduct responsible safer recruitment
Follow the Disclosure and Barring (DBS) code of conduct
obtain appropriate DBS checks for all relevant representatives working directly and indirectly with children especially those who work in Regulated Activity
have appropriate policies, procedures, and practice in place to ensure the safety, well-being and security of children attending your activity
ensure that all members of staff are working in accordance with your child protection, and relevant safeguarding policies including attending child protection training at least annually
fulfill your obligation to alert the relevant authorities to concerns about a child’s safety and concerns about staff and volunteers
1.2 Health and Safety
Parents/carers need to know that all activities are suitable and do not pose any undue risks.
It is important that all members of the Children's Activities Association work to a framework that ensures your team, children and parents/carers are at limited risk whilst working, participating in a given activity.
You must ensure that you:
operate within Health and Safety legislation in line with the Health and Safety Executive - HSE: Information about health and safety at work, including that which corresponds to your specific activity
carry out regular revisions and updates to appropriate policies to comply with any new legislation
keep and maintain official records including appropriate risk assessments
employ appropriate reporting procedures for accidents and incidents
conduct regular equipment, kit, apparatus assessments
1.3 Inclusivity and Ethics
Every child should have the opportunity to take part in any activity regardless of their ethnic background or personal/physical capability. You must ensure that you:
document and follow an equal opportunities policy which should state that no person will be discriminated against due to their age, gender, religious beliefs, cultural background
ensure that every child is able to learn and participate at their own level
ensure that every child has the opportunity to achieve their full potential within the activity.
Section 2 - Operations
2.1 Insurance
Parents need to know that you have appropriate insurance cover for your activity and all of the people involved. All supporters must hold an appropriate level of insurance relative to their activity including Employers and Public Liability Insurance. You must ensure that you:
hold and maintain adequate levels of insurance covering you for all your activities and provisions according to your type of business or operation
ensure that your levels/sums of insurance meet any contractual requirements you or your business has around minimum levels of insurance.
display, as appropriate, proof of insurance and produce such proof on request
conduct an annual review of the needs of the business and update your insurance appropriately
2.2 Financial Propriety
Parents/carers and staff need reassurance that supporters are operating a financially stable business.
Parents/carers also need clear information on pricing, payment options and any support for low income families. You must ensure that you:
operate a solvent business
provide clear pricing information for parents/carers with appropriate terms & conditions
fulfill all legal obligations for your type of business or operation
use transparent accounting practises provided by a qualified accountant
have appropriate financial support and advice in place
2.3 Data protection
Parents/carers need reassurance that their personal details are protected. It must be transparent to a parent the way in which you intend to use any data collected and whether the data will be made accessible to any third parties.
The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Everyone responsible for using personal data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. You must ensure information is:
used fairly, lawfully and transparently
used for specified, explicit purposes
used in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary
accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date
kept for no longer than is necessary
handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage
Section 3 - Delivery
3.1 Training
All staff must have ongoing training and development to ensure they are able to deliver the activity at a professional level. You are expected to ensure that you and your staff have the required skills and experience to provide the children’s activities you advertise and that you have complied with all legal requirements for your particular activity. This may involve the support of specialist professionals.
You must ensure that you:
provide a competent induction training
provide regular ongoing support for employees/providers
conduct regular reviews of and updates to your training programme
encourage employees to gain relevant formal qualifications
provide and encourage access to continued learning development opportunities
3.2 Care of Your Team
Your employees need reassurance that they will not be required to take unnecessary risks or be placed in danger during their work. All members of your team must be aware of the procedures in place to ensure that they work in a safe environment. You must ensure that you:
conduct appropriate risk assessments to provide a safe place for our team to work
provide appropriate training and/or access to qualifications
have disciplinary and grievance procedures in place and make these available to all employees
develop a respectful relationship with your team
Adopt suitably robust vetting policies appropriate to the staff engaged.
3.3 Complaint Procedure
Parents/carers want to know that complaints or concerns will be listened to and dealt with appropriately. A user-friendly procedure must be in place and communicated clearly to parents/carers. You must ensure that you:
have a complaints procedure in place
clearly display your complaints procedure
train all staff in the application of the complaints procedure
In the event of an unresolved dispute with a parent/carer, you must refer the matter to the Children's Activities Association’s Complaint Committee and agree to accept their decision.
Section 4 - General
By agreeing to this Code Of Practice you confirm that your activity is of original format and does not contain any other provider’s intellectual property or copyrighted content.
The Children's Activities Association will update the Code of Practice and will notify all supporters and members of the changes via email and display the current Code of Practice on the Children's Activities Association website www.childrensactivitiesassociation.co.uk.
This document or any part of it may not be reproduced electronically or printed without prior permission of the Children’s Activities Association CIC.
The Children's Activities Association Supporter is solely responsible for compliance with the Code of Practice. If the Children's Activities Association is notified of a breach of the Code of Practice then supporter status may be suspended without notice until the organisation can demonstrate that it fully meets all parts of the Code of Practice.
Supporters undertake to comply with the Children’s Activities Association Code of Practice on a voluntary basis. Responsibility for adhering to the Code of Practice is exclusively the responsibility of the Supporter and the Children’s Activities Association accepts no responsibility for any Supporters code of conduct, procedures and/or operation.
Appendix & Resources
Section 1 – Duty Of Care
After school clubs community activities and tuition safeguarding provider guidance booklet Rev 19 September 2023.pdf (Section 1.1)
Writing safeguarding policies and procedures | NSPCC Learning
Demystifying safeguarding for children's activity providers (childrensactivitiesassociation.co.uk)
About us - Disclosure and Barring Service - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Knowledge Hub — Personnel Checks
The Basics of DBS - Cost, Process, Responsibilities (childrensactivitiesassociation.co.uk)
HSE: Information about health and safety at work
Section 2 - Operations
Morton Michel - Insurance for Children's Groups
Accountancy News, Articles & Guides | Stryde Accountants
Data protection: The Data Protection Act - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Contract types and employer responsibilities: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Section 3 – Delivery
Workplace health, safety and welfare - HSE
Apprenticeships & Training - Storyy Group
Intellectual property and your work: What intellectual property is - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)