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Cracking the Sales Code

Updated: May 20

With award-winning sales professional and sales coach Navin Jaitly

As a business owner, regardless of your initial motivation for starting your business, there is a need to sell. This comes more naturally to some people than others, but there's good news. According to Navin, you can learn to sell effectively!

In the video below, he shares some useful tools to give you the confidence you need to take the sting out of sales and to help you transform your sales results.

This starts with a change in mindset. Selling isn't just pushing your product or service on someone, it is serving them, and helping them to solve a need or challenge they already have. Using Navin's DILTS formula, you can build that confidence in yourself and your product or service.

He then shares the 3 different types of questions you should ask when talking to a potential customer. These questions allow you to understand that person better, and help them see why they need your product or service.

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